16 Days of Activism
TAWLA’s Executive Director, Ms. Tike Mwambipile giving the identity of the stakeholders in the launch of 16 days against violence, which is celebrated around the world. #EndGBVSaveLife #16DaysOfActivism #HakiHainaJinsia
A Guide on Best Practices in Developing and Adopting Gender-Sensitive Village Bylaws in Tanzania
[fivo_docs title="A Guide on Best Practices in Developing and Adopting Gender-Sensitive Village Bylaws in Tanzania" ids="6346"]
Call for Nominations for TAWLA Awards
[fivo_docs ids="6320"][fivo_docs ids="6322"][fivo_docs ids="6323"]
NGOs Quarterly Meeting with the Registrar of NGOs in Tanga
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) form an integral part of the development partners. Their work compliments governments efforts in providing social services to the people. And in doing so, NGOs have been
Participation of TAWLA in Community Events in Tanga region.
In the efforts to raise legal awareness to community members, the Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) uses different fora to raise community awareness. Earlier this week, Ms. Mwanaidi Kombo, TAWLA’s
TAWLA Engagement with the Tanga Community
In order to ensure effective participation of the community in fighting Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) has been using different fora in raising community awareness on issues