Courtesy Visit from Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce, Gender Equality Advisor for VSO CUSO International .
In creating sustainable access to justice for vulnerable women and children, TAWLA regional office in Mwanza was honored to be visited by a Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce Chairperson ,
Capacity Building to Women Groups(Dairy Cooperatives) in Kilimanjaro Region
To ensure promotion of gender equality on land ownership in the community, TAWLA regional office in Arusha was honored to conduct a training on land ownership to women and gender
Courtesy visit from CCM Secretary of Political Affairs and International Relations, retired Colonel Ngemela Lubinga
To ensure effective participation of women and youth in electoral processes, TAWLA is working closely with political parties to ensure there is friendly environment for women and youth from within
Wide Road Show to encourage public support to Women and Youth candidates in the 2019 and 2020 elections
In ensuring effective women and youth participation in decision making forums, TAWLA-Arusha branch and other stakeholders held a wide road show to encourage public support to women and youth candidates
Support to trained Legal Aid Volunteers
In implementation of the project titled “CSO’s Parallel Support to the Land Tenure Support Program” in Kilombero and Ulanga districts, TAWLA and We-Effect through support of Swedish Embassy provided branded
MWANZA Regional Office Courtesy Visit
TAWLA Regional office in Mwanza had a great pleasure of receiving a courtesy visit from one of our very own senior member and Commissioner of the National Electoral Commission, Madam
TAWLA Regional office in Tanga, conducted a community conversation to Semwaliko and Kilulu villagers.
TAWLA Regional office in Tanga conducted a community conversation to Semwaliko and Kilulu villagers. Issues discussed during the community conversation was the rights of women in acquiring, using and owning