Preparing a Guide on Best Practices to Support Local Communities in Developing and Adopting Gender Sensitive Village By-Laws

In partnership with IIED, TAWLA has been implementing a project in Kisarawe District that aims to strengthen women participation in land governance through facilitating development of gender sensitive by-laws. Gender sensitive by-laws is a tool that is increasingly win attraction of many development partners in addressing legal and policy local challenges through crafting context specific local legislation to provide local solution. TAWLA work in Kisarawe has been implemented through phases, but to date TAWLA has facilitated gender sensitive by-law developed in 64 villages in Kisarawe District. These villages are Mtamba, Kauzeni, Bwama, Kibuta, Masanganya, Chang’ombe, Kitongamango, Palaka, Marumbo, Chang’ombe A, Mfuru, Kikwete, Maneromango Kaskazini, Kidugalo cha kanga, Msegamo, Mengwa, Ngongele, Chale, Boga, Maneromambo Sokoni, Msanga, Bembeza, Visiga, Mianzi, Manumisera, Mngwata, Kihale, Kisengere, Tiku, Sofu, Kwara, Kuruichole, Yombo Lukinga, Chole Samvua, Mafundi, Vikumburu, Panga, Mtunani, Koresa, Kitonga, Mafizi, Nyani, Gwata, Ving’andi, Zegero, Mtakayo, Kurui ya Mzenga, Kidugalo, Mzenga A, Chakanga, Vilabwa, Mitengwe, Chamalale, Sangwe, Kibemwenda, Mzenga B, Vitungo, Mihungwe, Gumba, Masaki, Sungwi, Kisanga, Mhaga and Mtamba
TAWLA is now implementing a new project phase (Phase 3) which aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Build a strong evidence base to pave the way to up scaling, adaptation and/or replication of the approaches developed during the previous phase by documenting whether and how these approaches can make a difference in the long term and how they could be further strengthened to maximise lasting impact;
- Develop and test innovative strategies to mainstream gender in land tenure regularisation processes; and
- Translate the evidence and knowhow generated by the previous two activities into policy and practice for gender-sensitive land governance both for Tanzania and internationally strengthen its work on by-laws in Kisarawe District and supporting land regulation in 2 villages.
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