Women Land Rights
- Key Objective 2: Promote Land rights of women and children.
TAWLA works to ensure that women’s land rights are respected and upheld. It works in partnership with the Gender Land Task Force, a coalition of ten organizations working collectively to advocate for women land rights to ensure that policies and legislation are in place to promote the realization of women’s land rights.
This is implemented through training, community conversation meetings, research, and coordination of meetings for the Gender Land Task Force and capacity building to GLTF member organizations on Land Rights issues.
TAWLA trains paralegals from different districts to assist women at the grassroots to realize their rights to access, use and own land. In addition to this, women land rights issues are mainstreamed in training and awareness-raising to Local government authorities, community leaders, land tribunal members and community members through drama and songs, as well as mainstreaming women land access issues in TAWLA radio and television programmes.
In order to reach more people and raise awareness, TAWLA participates in Radio and TV programs to discuss the rights of women. TAWLA also produces simplified versions of the Land laws and develop IEC materials to raise awareness of the community.
TAWLA conduct strategic research in land issues related to women and do policy analysis and review of laws for advocacy to ensure that policies and laws are genders sensitive.