Women and Youth Participation in Leadership and Economic Activities at the Local Government Level
Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) held a three days workshop to Lindi and Mtwara Local Government Authorities on their role to harness the existing gaps between Law and practice on
TOR on Analysis of the three (3) consecutive years (2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022) Annual Agriculture Budget
TAWLA is implementing a project titled “Contributing to Increased Women Representation and Participation on Country’s Governance and Political Processes’’ The overall objectives of the program are to ensure greater women
TOR on Analysis on the extent to which National Level Policy and Legislative Frameworks on Gender Equality are Implemented
TAWLA is implementing a project titled “Contributing to Increased Women Representation and Participation on Country’s Governance and Political Processes’’ The overall objectives of the program are to ensure greater women
TOR on Analysis on the extent to which National Level Policy and Legislative Frameworks on Women and Youth Economic Empowerment are Implemented
TAWLA is implementing a project titled “Contributing to Increased Women Representation and Participation on Country’s Governance and Political Processes’’ The overall objectives of the program are to ensure greater women
Capacity Building to Members of the Technical Working Group on NCDs, Global Recap Country Team and other CSOs
As part of implementing a sub-project titled “Promoting Healthy Diet and Physical Activity Through Advocacy for Regulatory and Policy Reforms and Community Education”, Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) coordinated a
Female MPs Leadership Roles in Mainstreaming Gender Issues During Parliament Sessions
As part of implementing a project titled “Contributing to Increased Women Representation and participation on country’s governance and political processes”, Tanzania Women Lawyers Association(TAWLA) held a session with the newly