Launch of TAWLA Mentorship Program
On the 19th of October,2019, TAWLA Members gathered for official launch of Mentorship Program which is geared to enhance professional skills,professional networking and career development of women lawyers.
Courtesy visit to TAWLA’s Regional Offices in Arusha and Dodoma
Earlier last week, TAWLA’s regional offices in Arusha and Dodoma had the honor of being visited by TAWLA’s Chairperson, Madam Athanasia Soka who visited Arusha regional office and Vice Chairperson,
TAWLA Advert for End Term Evaluation LTSP – TOR
Terms of Reference for Conducting End Term Evaluation on “CSO Parallel Support to the Land Tenure Support Program” Pilot Project implemented by We Effect and Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA).